Project to Enhance Research Literacy (PERL) - Collaborating with Other Institutions

Navigating the Language Barrier 

Successful collaboration requires mutual understanding. Below are some examples of ways to "speak the same language". 

What do we mean by "Evidence Informed Practice"?
This document (provided courtesy of Northwestern Health Sciences University) provides a definition for Evidence Informed Practice that may help different parties understand the same concept.

Advancing Integration Through Evidence Informed Practice: Northwestern Health Sciences University's Integrated Educational Model (2011)
This publication describes the development process for an integrated EIP course targeted for both DC and AOM students simultaneously. Table 1 (pg. 6) outlines approaches to integrating an EIP course across disciplines.

Development of a Student-Mentored Research Program Between a Complementary & Alternative Medicine University & a Traditional, Research-Intensive University (2014).
This publication outlines the formation process, and results, from a collaborative research mentorship between NUHS and the University of Illinois at Chicago.