Project for Integrative Health and the Triple Aim (PIHTA) - Examples in Practice

Integrative Patient-Centered Medical Homes

In recent years, the convergence of “values-based medicine” under the Affordable Care Act and the rise of integrative health and medicine have increased the opportunities for integrative health providers. However, the roles of the profession that can claim to have first modeled integrative medicine, naturopathic physicians, is modeling these new forms of care are often invisible. 
The entire project has 3 significant purposes: 1) educate members of the naturopathic profession to these roles for naturopathic physicians; 2) provide guidance for any naturopathic doctors who wish to pursue a professional role in a PCMH or FQHC; and, most importantly, substantially increase awareness that naturopathic physicians have significant roles to play as leaders, and as part of teams, in meeting the nation’s primary care needs.  The individual case study reports from each clinic are not only intended for integrative providers interested in assuming employment in these settings, but are also for educators, administrators, and other stakeholders to better understand what behaviors and skills are needed to prepare graduates to work successfully in these environments.   

A Profile of The Center for Natural Medicine*

A Profile of The National University of Natural Medicine 

A Profile of The Mountain View Natural Medicine*

Key Findings