Project for Integrative Health and the Triple Aim (PIHTA) - Knowledge Base

Peer-Reviewed, Published Studies with Patient Self-Reports

Qualitative studies and quantitative studies using patient self-report instruments such as SF 12, SF 36 and MY-MOP published in the peer-reviewed literature. 

Patient-Reported Experiences with First-Time Naturopathic Care for Type 2 Diabetes
Erica Oberg, Ryan Bradley, Clarissa Hsu, Karen Sherman, Sheryl Catz, Carlo Calabrese, Daniel Cherkin

Naturopathic medicine promotes behavior change for a small sample of first time naturopathic users with type 2 diabetes as a result of the nature, content, and characteristics of naturopathy.

Older Adults' Perspectives on Naturopathic Medicine's Impact on Healthy Aging
Erica Oberg, Marie-Sabine Thomas, Melissa McCarty, Jennifer Berg, Bonnie Burlingham,
and Ryan Bradley

Based on subjective reports from older adults, findings from this study suggest that naturopathic medicine supports health aging because it is in alignment with the principles of patient centered care.

Unanticipated Benefits of CAM Therapies for Back Pain: An Exploration of Patient Experiences
Clarissa Hsu, June BlueSpruce, Karen Sherman, and Dan Cherkin

Open-ended responses gathered from participants in five RCTs on the benefits of one or more CAM therapies pointed to five themes regarding positive outcomes. These themes include: increased options and hope, increased ability to relax, positive changes in emotional states, increased body awareness, and changes in thinking that allowed patients to better cope with their pain.

Impact of the Urban Zen Initiative on Patients' Experience of Admission to an Inpatient Oncology Floor: A Mixed-Methods Analysis
Benjamin Kliger, Louis Harrison, Esther Sackett, Hanniel Levenson, Jeanne Kenney, Stewart Fleishman, Diane Serra, Woodson Merrell

The goal of this study was to explore how 5 components defining an optimal healing environment could improve the quality of patients' experience admitted to an inpatient oncology floor. Results from the intervention show decreased levels of anxiety and stress as well as symptom control and general well-being.