Project for Integrative Health and the Triple Aim (PIHTA) - Knowledge Base

Other Useful Papers and Studies

Potpourri of additional works that can help cast light on why and how these outcomes are achieved. 

Physician Disclosure of Healthy Personal Behaviors Improves Credibility and
Ability to Motivate

Erica Frank, Jason Breyan, Lisa Elon

Study showing that patients may be more motivated to adopt healthy behaviors when physicians disclose information about their own health and wellness lifestyle choices.

Collaboration for a Cause: Blurring disciplinary lines to benefit the patient: the new model of truly integrative health care
Sarah Potthoff

Personal narrative provided by a chiropractor working in a Patient Centered Medical Home that discusses the role of practitioners' communication in regard to patient-centered care. The narrative provides several case studies highlighting examples of interdisciplinary collaboration and as well as suggests four skills practitioners should strengthen went considering employment in a PCMH.

A positive concept of health - Interviews with patients and practitioners in an integrative medicine clinic
Jennifer Hunter, Jack Marshall, Katherine Corcoran, Stephen Leeder, Kerryn Phelps

The purpose of this study was to explore patient and practitioner views on wellness and positive definitions of health in an integrative primary care clinic. Results indicate that health is multidimensional and suggest that other factors such as energy, vitality and the ability to cope and function are important alongside traditional wellness themes (psychological, spiritual, social, occupational, environmental).

Differences in the quality of interpersonal care in complementary and conventional medicine
Andre Busato, Beat Kunzi

Swiss study finds patients report higher levels of patient satisfaction for CAM when compared to conventional care as a result of better physican-patient communication.