Beth Rosenthal, PhD, MBA, MPH
ACIH Director ACIH Director of Working Groups and Special Projects
Beth Rosenthal, PhD, MBA, MPH is Director of Working Groups and Special Projects (DWGSP) for ACIH. Her primary responsibilities are to manage Working Groups Special Projects and oversee Working Groups. Rosenthal is the author of three books – Replenish: A life enhancing activity book, It’s That Easy: The High Vibe Guide to Attracting what You Really Want and Where to Go When You’re Hurting: A Healing Resource Guide.
Rosenthal holds MBA and PhD degrees from the University of Chicago’s Graduate School of Business, and a Masters degree in Public Health from the University of California, Berkeley. Her undergraduate BA degree is from the University of Michigan. Rosenthal lives in Chicago, San Diego, and Charlevoix (Michigan) throughout the year, and enjoys dancing wherever she is!